US to Collect Biometrics of Aliens Departing the US.
Voice of America reported on May 30, 2009 that Obama administration is starting to collect biometric information from aliens departing the United States.
Voice of Ameruca reported on May 30, 2009 that Obama administration is starting to collect biometric information from aliens that are departing the United States. Since 2004, the government has been collecting biometrics from aliens upon their arrival to the country. Robert Mocny, who is in charge of implementing this program, mentioned that it would give a US government a “better sense of who is in the country and who has left the country.” This new measure proves that Obama administration is committed to keep a close watch and count of unlawful and lawful aliens alike. Without a doubt, this is one of the first steps that Obama administration is taking to combat immigration fraud, further tighten US borders and identify and, eventually, remove illegal aliens.